Hand & Arm Technologies
WakeMed Rehabilitation leads the region in providing advanced therapy after neurological (brain and/or spine) illness or injury. Three state-of-the-art hand and arm technologies help patients regain motor function, allowing clinicans to deliver compassionate and comprehensive inpatient and outpatient support.
- Bioness H200 supports hand rehabilitation and can be used in the clinical setting and at home. It is lightweight and helps to activate the thenar for pinching, flexors for grasping and extensors for hand opening.
- InMotionARM™ is for clinical and home use. This robotic device monitors patient hand movements through high repetition activities, and it offers gentle support where needed. The purchase of the technology was made possible with the support of the WakeMed Foundation.
- RT300 Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycle is for clinical use and stimulates weak or paralyed muscles.
- Saebo Hand Treatment Kit (involving the SaeboFlex and SaeboGlove) and SaeboMAS are for clinical and home use. These technologies provide mobile support. The Saebo Hand Treatment Kit helps with rehabiliation of the patient's hand and wrist. The SaeboMAS supports the weakened arm and shoulder.
Positive Rehabilitation Outcomes
WakeMed Rehab Occupational Therapist Kelly Draucker successfully worked with 15-year-old Lucas Maynard.
He had a stroke after an arteriovenous malformation rupture caused bleeding in his brain.