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Is Weight Loss Surgery For You?

Being overweight or obese is one of the most challenging conditions facing many adults. Obesity is on the rise in all ages. It impacts how you feel, what you can do and often results in many life-threatening medical conditions. If you are one of the many adults who is struggling with weight loss, bariatric surgery may be an option for you. It’s not right for everyone, and you must meet certain criteria.

Requirements for Bariatric Surgery

If you are morbidly obese and have struggled and failed to lose and keep off weight in conventional ways — through diet and exercise — surgery may be your best option for success. Many factors will determine whether bariatric surgery, or bariatric surgery, is appropriate for you. One important factor is your weight and whether you have other conditions that would make bariatric surgery too risky to undertake.

  • At least 18 years old and have been overweight for at least five years.

Weight Qualifications (Body Mass Index)

  • Have a BMI of ≥30 (ASMBS BMI calculator)* The BMI is calculated using a formula that includes your height and weight. If you want to know your BMU, use a BMI calculator.
  • Are 55 pounds or more overweight
  • Want a long-term weight loss solution
  • Have been unsuccessful to achieve lasting weight loss
  • Have been unsuccessful with previous attempts to lose weight
  • *The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) recognizes a patient with a BMI over 30 with comorbidities as a good candidate for bariatric surgery. However, insurance providers consider a patient with a BMI over 35 with comorbidities to be good candidate for bariatric surgery. In the case that insurance won't cover the procedure, we do have self-pay options for patients concerned enough about their health to proceed with surgery outside of insurance.

Health Issues

  • You have physical conditions associated with obesity that include high blood pressure, elevated blood fats, heart problems, hypertension, sleep apnea, chronic back pain or degenerative arthritis.

  • You do not have other diseases that may cause you to be overweight.


  • You are ready to work with your bariatric surgeon for a lifetime of follow-up care and make major lifestyle changes, including nutritional modifications and exercise.<

  • In addition to these factors, our bariatric team evaluates each patient individually for surgery. 

Bariatric Surgery Options

Weight loss surgery — or bariatric surgery — can be a big step toward a new life, but it's just one of many steps on your journey to a fuller, healthier and more satisfying lifestyle. Losing weight through surgery requires a serious, lifelong commitment to changing the way you eat, exercise, and think. It requires a whole new way of approaching life every day.

The bariatric surgery team at WakeMed will be with you every step of the way, from nutrition and dietary guidance, to exercise plans, payment options, the actual surgery, and then to support groups to keep you on track. You will have your own personal navigator to guide you through the entire process from start to finish, who will provide you with resources, advocate for you and coach you to success.

Minimally invasive laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery will be discussed with your surgeon.

Laparoscopic surgery is less invasive than open surgery, so patients usually have less discomfort, a shorter recovery time and fewer complications.

Learn More About Surgical Weight Loss Options

WakeMed’s dedicated bariatric surgeons perform minimally invasive weight loss surgeries at WakeMed Cary Hospital, an accredited MBSAQIP Comprehensive Center.  WakeMed Cary Hospital is also designated a Cigna Center of Excellence in Bariatric Surgery and a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) Blue Distinction Center for Bariatric Surgery.