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Treatment Options

Our WakeMed vascular experts take a comprehensive approach to treating vascular disease. We offer a variety of treatment options, from lifestyle changes and medications, to the latest catheter-based endovascular procedures and traditional surgical intervention.

Lifestyle Changes

Vascular disease may be prompted by a lack of quality nutrition; sedentarism; stress; pre-existing conditions, such as diabetes; and smoking. To help reverse disease systems, changes in lifestyle may help. We may suggest lowering cholesterol-rich and salty foods, developing an exercise regimen, reducing stress at work and at home, gaining control of existing conditions contributing to vascular disease progression and smoking cessation. We have many clinicians, programs and classes available to help you make these transitions. Through comprehensive feedback based on your individualized needs, you'll receive support in making positive changes on your journey to good health.


There are many medications that can help with vascular disease, and we can explore those options where applicable to your condition.

Procedures and Surgery

Based on your diagnosis, treatment may include a variety of minimally invasive options. These include: