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Chemotherapy and Additional Systemic Therapy

Systemic therapy is treatment that works across the body to fight cancer. These therapies involve the use of medications to destroy cancer cells or slow their growth.

The following treatments are types of systemic therapy: 

  • Chemotherapy
  • Biotherapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Targeted therapy
  • Hormonal therapy

Our patients may receive systemic therapies in different ways. Some may be given as an infusion, intravenously directly into the blood vessels. Others are given as a pill or an injection.

Side effects from systemic treatments can vary depending on the medication(s) used, but often include fatigue, hair loss and nausea. Our care team will discuss the side effects patients may experience and strategies to manage them.

If the treatment plan involves systemic therapy, patients will have routine visits for lab work, provider appointments and treatment. The care team will explain details of the therapy and answer any questions.

Advances in systemic therapies are ongoing. At WakeMed, we remain current with the latest breakthroughs in medical systemic therapies to ensure all patients receive the most effective treatment for their cancer.