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Each year, the WakeMed Foundation’s Community Campaign offers an opportunity to support hospital programs and services. We caught up with Dr. Satish Mathan, member of the WakeMed Foundation Board and President of Raleigh Radiology, to talk about why serving WakeMed matters to him.

Radiologist Dr. Satish Mathan knows WakeMed from the inside and out. As President and Managing Partner of Raleigh Radiology, he regularly works with patients at WakeMed as an interventional and vascular radiologist. The Raleigh native also serves on the WakeMed Foundation Board. When Raleigh Radiology began working with WakeMed, it was like coming home,” Dr. Mathan says. “The singular focus on taking care of patients and the community’s wellbeing – the WakeMed Way – resonated with me.”

The North Star

From the physician perspective, WakeMed stands out, says Dr. Mathan. “The focus on taking care of the patient and the community is unique,” he says, describing the WakeMed Way as “a single unifying purpose with the patient as the North Star.”

“You can’t go wrong when you have that North Star. Invoking the patient-focus consciously and intentionally every time a decision is made is a special way to operate. When I work together with others at WakeMed, I get energized.”

‘It’s humbling and it’s a privilege’

Giving his time and talent both professionally and on a volunteer level is natural, Dr. Mathan says. “It’s humbling and it’s a privilege to take care of others and be a servant to our community around us. When we have the ability to help, it almost feels wrong not to.”

By working with patients as well as serving on the WakeMed Foundation Board, Dr. Mathan contributes on many levels. “It’s rewarding to be able to give back.”

Direct Help

Dr. Mathan has seen firsthand how donations to the WakeMed Foundation Community Campaign matter. “Your dollars actually go to helping the people who need it most. It’s easy to ask someone to give when I’ve seen how important and impactful their support is.”

About Dr. Satish Mathan

Satish Mathan, MD is President and Managing Partner of Raleigh Radiology. The interventional and vascular radiologist and Raleigh native has been involved with WakeMed on a professional and personal level since 2017. As a current member of the WakeMed Foundation Board, Dr. Mathan provides strategic and fundraising support for the hospital’s internal and external network.

What is the Community Campaign?

Each year, the WakeMed Foundation Community Campaign offers an opportunity for the community — for you — to support hospital programs and services. Foundation board members and volunteers raise donations and sponsorships of every amount from existing and new donors. One hundred percent of donated dollars go directly to fund programs and services to support patient care in all areas of the hospital.

  • Creating healing environments.
  • Providing innovative programs.
  • Investing in skilled and compassionate caregivers.
  • Supporting the urgent needs of our patients and families.

Donations make it all possible. Your gift truly helps save and transform lives. Make a gift now.

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WakeMed Foundation