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Each month, an outstanding WakeMed support member is presented with a PETALS Award to recognize how critically important they are to helping our nurses deliver the highest quality patient care.

Barbara Carr Petals Award and Team

August 2024 Winner:  Barbara Carr
Raleigh Campus: Environmental Services Technician
Nominated by: OB-GYN Team

Congratulations, Barbara Carr for being recognized as the August 2024 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“Mrs. Barbara ALWAYS has a great attitude and does a great job! Today, I asked her how to go about having a room cleaned because there was so much trash on the floor, near the bed. This was a very sensitive situation because of the patient's condition. After I explained this to Mrs. Barbara, she immediately cleaned the room. Thanks for all you do, Mrs. Barbara! We’re very lucky and appreciate you!”

Thank you,  Barbara Carr — “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   


Shawana Richardson

July 2024 Winner:  Shawana Richardson
Raleigh Campus: Clinical Aide
Nominated by: OB-GYN Team

Congratulations, Shawana Richardson for being recognized as the July 2024 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“There are no better words to describe why Shawana should be given the PETALS Award: She literally saved my son's life. My son has been a patient at WakeMed for some time. On February 24, in the middle of physical therapy, he experienced a sudden cardiac arrest. If it had not been for Shawana seeing and grasping what happened and going into immediate action, he would not be alive. She called for help, participated in CPR (along with other team members who should also be highly praised and blessed) and was instrumental in his resuscitation. We owe everything to Shawana. She is quick thinking, quick to act, alert, upbeat, generous and kind. She definitely deserves the PETALS Award — nothing is greater than saving a life. I cannot come close to expressing the gratitude we feel for this amazing woman.”

Thank you,  Shawana Richardson — “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   


Ally Snowden

June 2024 Winner:  Ally Snowden
Raleigh Campus: Child Life Specialist
Nominated by: OB-GYN Team

Congratulations,  Ally Snowden for being recognized as the June 2024 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“Ally helped a pediatric patient navigate a very difficult situation. She did an amazing job helping guide our difficult conversations in an age-appropriate manner. She normalized conversations. She also supported the patient through difficult meetings with attorneys and judges. She volunteered to be a support person for our patient through procedures and the hospitalization when she otherwise had no support. Ally is a wonderful human being and child life specialist. The OB-GYN team appreciates her immensely, as well as the patient!”

Thank you,  Ally Snowden — “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   


Bree Wright

May 2024 Winner: Bree Wright
Raleigh Campus 6C Surgery/Trauma: Nurse Aide I/Clinical Secretary
Nominated by: peer

Congratulations, Bree Wright for being recognized as the May 2024 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“We had a patient who had recently lost his wife and was very down about life. So much so that he had stopped eating, stopped smiling and was struggling with everyday activities. Bree went above and beyond with this patient’s care, while also caring for her other patients. Her vibrant personality managed to have him smiling and cracking jokes by the end of her shift. To top it off  — Bree managed to convince him to go eat lunch outside with her. She loaded him up in the wheelchair, spent 20 minutes soaking up some sun and when they returned, he mentioned how he had a friend. This is the kind of Wake Way Behavior we need more of. I am proud to work alongside such a thoughtful person such as Bree, and her patients are lucky to have her.”

Thank you, Bree Wright — “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   


Kathy Rosa

April 2024 Winner: Kathy Rosa
Raleigh Campus: Environmental Services
Nominated by: patient's daughter

Congratulations, Kathy Rosa for being recognized as the April 2024 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“Some of the most unsung heroes are the professionals that work in Environmental Services. Not only do they keep the hospital and patient care areas clean, but they also provide stress relief to patients through conversation unrelated to the medical condition, like those from physicians, nurses, testing and lab personnel. Kathy in Environmental Services is like a ray of sunshine! She is kind and courteous. She spoke to my mom and us about something other than medical needs. She relieved the stress with her friendly nature. I saw my mom smile for the first time since admission! For that reason alone – Kathy deserves this award! If she does this for other patients and families, she is a true gem. Thank you, Kathy!”

Thank you, Kathy Rosa — “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   



Ben Parades and Care Team

March 2024 Winner: Ben Paredes
Raleigh Campus: Respiratory Therapy
Nominated by: patient's mom

Congratulations, Ben Paredes for being recognized as the March 2024 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“Ben was my son’s respiratory therapist in the emergency room. When we came in, my two-week-old son was panting and couldn’t breathe. Ben immediately took charge, ensured he was well taken care of and answered all my questions — once my son was stable. When it was time to transfer him to the PICU, Ben made the trip, assuring me my son was going to receive the best care, while commenting how much better he looked already. Ben made a terrifying situation just a bit better with his calm demeanor. It helped me understand the seriousness of my son’s condition and remain calm, knowing my baby would be okay. I am so grateful. ”

Thank you, Ben Paredes — “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   


February 2024 Winner: Tosledeani ‘T’ Johnson
Raleigh Campus: Food and Nutrition Services
Nominated by: patient's mom

Congratulations, T Johnson, for being recognized as the February 2024 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“My father had been unhappy with the food provided in his room. Upon getting permission to go to the cafeteria for meals, he loved the selection. He was excited to get eggs fixed his way, over easy, instead of scrambled. No big deal, right? Well, my dad truly enjoyed them! A few days later we went back for breakfast again, and my father and I were in the line for the “eggs your way” chef’s special. As we got closer in the line, T asked my father what he’d like. When my dad said “two eggs over easy,” he immediately presented two freshly cooked over easy eggs ready for him!! He knew what my dad wanted before he ordered; he just wanted to make sure Dad didn’t want anything different or additional. T was busy all the time but still paid enough attention that he knew him and his order. THANK YOU, Sir! Even the small things can make a HUGE difference in a patient and their families’ overall experience!”

Thank you, T Johnson — “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   


Jennifer Nelson


January 2024 Winner: Jennifer Nelson
Raleigh Campus: Respiratory Therapist
Nominated by: patient's mom

Congratulations, Jennifer Nelson, for being recognized as the January 2024 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“My four-month-old son had RSV and was declining, which was terrifying to watch as a mother. Jennifer came into our room, assessed our son, listened to me cry and shared it with the physician. The physician helped us understand where we were as far as the plan went for our son, and Jennifer helped facilitate our understanding of the respiratory side of it too. She then took the time out of her busy night to speak to me, mom-to-mom and helped me to feel not so crazy about my fear of my son's illness. I am a nurse, but I have never been on the other side of the bed in a situation that involved my child. Jennifer helped calm my nerves and my weary mama's heart with her kindness and empathy. I needed another mom to look me in the eye and say “I know exactly how you feel right now.” Jennifer helped me feel more confident that my son was in the best hands and would receive the absolute best care possible. I will never forget her kindness.”

Thank you, Jennifer Nelson — “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   


Greg McFarlane


December 2023 Winner: Greg MacFarlane
Imaging – Brier Creek: Radiology
Nominated by: nurse

Congratulations, Greg MacFarlane, for being recognized as the December 2023 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“My story is about how the tiniest routines in an employee’s day can make a huge impact in the lives of others. I have worked at WakeMed for 16 years. It is because of this hospital that I am a nurse with my BSN, my Mom is alive, my Grandmother lived as long as she did, and the list goes on. I thank God for the ways WakeMed has blessed my life. I am giving this backstory because I want you to understand the level of expectation I have for care – both giving and receiving. I was sent for a CT scan because I have a history of pulmonary embolisms and was experiencing shortness of breath. My grandmother’s funeral was two days prior, and my husband couldn’t go with me. I was feeling scared and overwhelmed. When I called the scheduler, she reached out to every location, and Greg at Brier Creek said I could come now. From the second Greg came out to the lobby to take me back, he was professional and kind. He could be the star of a human resources video. The exam room was immaculate, everything was labeled appropriately. Greg showed me where to place my items asked about any metal I may have on my body, explained how to put the gown on, helped me on the exam table, asked if I had a preference for IV site, gave me a warm blanket and explained every step of the process. When finished, he even gave an estimate of how long the results would take and where to find them, explaining it was a busy day, so it may take longer than average. He didn’t treat me differently because I was a nurse or assumed I knew or would understand. After months and years of being my grandmother’s advocate, it was refreshing to be a very well-cared-for patient.

“I do not doubt that Greg gives this level of kind, compassionate care to every patient who enters the exam room and most likely every human being with whom he interacts. He is the embodiment of the Wake Way and an Explain Campaign Champion. I know this is a long write-up about an experience that was routine for Greg; however, it was EVERYTHING to me. I believe it is important to recognize the people who do the little things right. It is the little things that go into making our organization so exceptional.”

Thank you, Greg MacFarlane — “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   



Josh Mudge Petals Award Winner

June 2023 Winner: Josh Mudge 

WakeMed Raleigh Campus: APP Physical Therapist 

Nominated by: Staff

Congratulations, Josh Mudge, for being recognized as the June 2023 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

"A few Neuro ICU nurses were leaving work. One of us noticed a flat tire on our car. We tried watching YouTube videos to figure out how to change the tire, and as we were doing this, Josh was leaving work and heading to his car. He immediately came up to us, asked if we needed help and sprang into action. He was kind, patient and so generous to help strangers after a long and tiring shift (the ED was in and out of red diversion all day). Josh exhibited the epitome of the Wake Way, and we were so thankful for his kindness and helpfulness!"

Thank you, Josh Mudge – “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   



Tracy Van Steen Petals Award Winner

June 2023 Winner: Tracy Van Steen 

WakeMed Raleigh Campus: APP Physical Therapist 

Nominated by: Staff

Congratulations, Tracy Van Steen, for being recognized as the June 2023 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

"Jeremy, a 6A long stay patient, who’s been admitted for 11+ months, is a paraplegic and uses a wheelchair for mobility. He also has a history of MS which can flare and limit his mobility. He likes to spend his time in his wheelchair, rolling around the unit saying hello to staff or in the 6th floor solarium enjoying the view. His mobility is often limited as he tires quickly when rolling himself in his current chair. He had been anxiously awaiting a motorized wheelchair to help with this. When his chair finally arrived, Tracy Van Steen and Amanda Core organized a unit parade into his room to surprise him with the chair. The parade was complete with music, pinwheels and as many staff members that they could round up. Jeremy’s smile extended ear to ear when he saw the chair wheeled into the room. He couldn’t believe it was really his! In his own words, 'I can’t wait to get around faster than two miles per hour!'"

Thank you, Tracy Van Steen – “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   



Lucky Wodajo Petals Award Winner

May 2023 Winner: Lucky Wodajo 

WakeMed Raleigh Campus: Mental Health Tech 

Nominated by: Staff

Congratulations, Lucky Wodajo, for being recognized as the May 2023 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“I would like to express my appreciation for Lucky by nominating her to receive the PETALS Award for being a brilliant, compassionate and caring constant observer. I have worked with Lucky several times, and she has always exemplified the Wake Way by putting patient safety above all else. On this particular occasion, however, I would like to nominate her for going above and beyond to protect a patient of mine in the ED. She handled the situation with utmost grace and mature emotional intelligence. The patient in question was getting increasingly agitated, exhibiting inappropriate behaviors. My first instinct was to get angry and scold the patient for the inappropriate behavior, but Lucky remained calm and continued to ensure this patient was safe even in light of what was happening. She did this while maintaining a safe distance for her own safety. Lucky’s priority remained the safety of this patient as well as her own. She stayed with the patient until additional help arrived. I am thankful Lucky was sent to help me with this patient that night. Thank you, Lucky!”

Thank you, Lucky Wodajo – “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   



Amy Slater Petals Award Winner

May 2023 Winner: Amy Slater 

WakeMed Operations Center: APP Education Program Manager 

Nominated by: Staff

Congratulations, Amy Slater, for being recognized as the May 2023 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

"Amy had just come off orientation and was super busy. Even with this, she took the time to sit down with a confused, distressed patient. She held her hand and helped her call a family member. Amy also talked to her to calm her down by having her do deep breathing exercises and talk about places that made her happy. She comforted and calmed the patient with such genuine kindness. I was so impressed! I overheard the entire interaction. She DID NOT have time for this, but she MADE TIME and changed that moment for the patient!"

Thank you, Amy Slater – “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   



Brandon Schoonover Petals Award Winner

April 2023 Winner: Brandon Schoonover 

WakeMed Operations Center: APP Education Program Manager 

Nominated by: Staff

Congratulations, Brandon Schoonover, for being recognized as the April 2023 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“An elderly patient with dementia was, unfortunately, not doing well, and the team feared his death was nearing. His husband of 55 years was also elderly and unable to visit at all during the 18 days he had been hospitalized. Brandon contacted his husband again to see if he could drive to the hospital to visit as he felt it was important for these two men to see each other at least one more time before the patient passed. Brandon then reached out to the Clinical Administrator to find a way to get the patient’s husband to the hospital. They were able to get a taxi voucher to bring him to WakeMed. When he finally got to see his husband, both men’s eyes lit up, and you could see how happy they were to get to see each other. The love they shared was obvious, and it was such a moving moment to be part of. Without Brandon reaching out and ensuring the husband had a ride to the hospital, this couple of 55 years would not have been able to see each other. We thank Brandon for his care and compassion for all of our patients.”

Thank you, Brandon Schoonover – “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   



Ramiro Aguirre Petals Award Winner

March 2023 Winner: Doug Jackson 

WakeMed Operations Center: Emergency Communications Dispatcher 

Nominated by: Staff

Congratulations, Doug Jackson, for being recognized as the March 2023 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“Late yesterday afternoon (peak transport period), WakeMed North Administration stated they are overwhelmed with patients. They requested Dispatch/Mobile to open up beds as soon as possible. The situation was relayed to Doug, and he was asked for a breakdown of pending North transports. Doug took time out of his busy day to look up all the patients and provide a plan for all three patients. He then stated there was a 4th patient that he could prioritize to help open up beds. Doug had already collaboratively split a truck crew to make additional wheelchair vans to move these patients faster. Doug remained calm and encouraging in the face of helping out a campus in crisis. Doug’s problem-solving skills were appreciated, as was his willingness think creatively during high volume requests. Due to his responsiveness, North Hospital was able to get some open beds sooner."

Thank you, Doug Jackson – “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   



Ramiro Aguirre Petals Award Winner

February 2022 Winner: Ramiro Aguirre 

WakeMed Cary Hospital: Monitor Technician 

Nominated by: Staff

Congratulations, Ramiro Aguirre, for being recognized as the February 2022 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“Ramiro immediately recognized a critical change in a patient’s heart rate and quickly called the primary nurse and charge nurse. Within one minute, the patient had deteriorated and experienced a cardiac arrest. The patient was previously ‘stable’ without any telemetry concerns. Ramiro’s persistent and clear communication with the nurses prevented a delay in a critical situation. Nursing and providers depend on the expertise of tele-surveillance technicians. Over the years that I have worked, Ramiro has exhibited compassion towards his work. Ramiro’s dedication sets a ‘high standard’ for his department. Thank you for all that you do Ramiro!"

Thank you, Ramiro Aguirre – “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   



Drew Smith Petals Award Winner

January 2022 Winner: Drew Smith 

WakeMed Raleigh Campus: Campus Police & Public Safety Police Officer 

Nominated by: Staff

Congratulations, Drew Smith, for being recognized as the January 2022 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“While responding to a security call and questioning the suspect, Officer Smith noticed the child involved was turning blue. He immediately jumped into action and performed measures per BLS protocol. Because of his quick action, a life was saved!”

Thank you, Officer Smith – “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   



Chrissy Schnabel Petals Award Winner

November 2021 Winner: Chrissy Schnabel 

WakeMed Cary Hospital: Patient Services Assistant 

Nominated by: Patient 

Congratulations, Chrissy Schnabel, for being recognized as the November 2021 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“I had the pleasure of Ms. Chrissy Schnabel transporting me upon my discharge from WakeMed Cary in April and then again in June. My April discharge was due to spinal surgery, and I was terrified about manipulating the exchange from the wheelchair to the car. Chrissy was amazing! She was professional, patient and kind while showing me exactly how to do it. She understood my fear and never once made my fear or the task seem insignificant. Chrissy moved me so gently paying attention to every door jam and bump along the way without me having to say anything. She just knew. I have told so many people about her care and compassion. I was hospitalized again in June and was excited to see Chrissy standing at my door when it was time to be discharged again! She again went to great lengths to be gentle and understanding.

"Chrissy Schnabel is a tremendous asset to WakeMed Cary. Her professionalism, natural care and concern of her patients is apparent in everything that she does for them. She is a great last person to have contact with when leaving WakeMed as her positivity left a smile on my face for certain.

"I am happy I am one of the WakeMed Cary patients who had the opportunity to be cared for by Chrissy.”   

Thank you, Chrissy – “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   



Lisa Koch Petals Award Winner

August 2021 Winner: Lisa Gianturco 

WakeMed Cary Hospital: Staff Chaplain 

Nominated by: COVID Floor Staff

Congratulations, Lisa Gianturco, for being recognized as the August 2021 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“A COVID patient found out about a family member who had passed away, so a spiritual care consult was put in, and Lisa was contacted. Lisa immediately called and soon came to see the patient. This patient was grieving, and Lisa actually took the time and risk to gown up and speak with the patient face-to-face. With COVID isolation, most staff won’t step into the room unless necessary. Most chaplains and others prefer to do phone calls with patients in isolation.

"Lisa didn’t even think twice about it. The nurses gave her everything she needed, and she saw the patient face-to-face when this patient truly needed it.

"All the staff on the floor was awed by Lisa’s dedication. We all truly appreciate what you did for that patient."

Thank you, Lisa – “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"   



Meagan Callahan Award Group

July 2021 Winner: Meagan Callahan 

WakeMed Raleigh Campus: Patient Services Assistant 

Nominated by: WakeMed Discharge Nurse

Congratulations, Meagan Callahan, for being recognized as the July 2021 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“We were discharging a patient whose belongings were secured in the ED but never made it to our floor. After multiple people had attempted to locate the belongings, several areas searched, and other options were exhausted, I called transport to see if they had perhaps been found on a stretcher. Meagan answered (which was a major blessing for us). She stated, 'I’m going to advocate for this patient. I’ll go look.' She went to the ED and located the belongings. Because they were not labeled, she called me, and we verified with the patient and nursing notes that it was the correct bag. To top it off, she walked the belongings to the patient’s room to verify that patient had no other missing belongings. Meagan took an opportunity during her downtime to help our patient. More than that, she volunteered. This is a true testament to how tiny actions can make a HUGE impact. This patient had just recently lost belongings at another facility. Meagan saved us time and money but, more importantly, the patient went home WITH his phone, his orthopedic shoes, his clothes and WITHOUT anger! She was and is a Godsend to us!”   

Thank you, Meagan – “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"



Dominiqque Demby Award Group

May 2021 Winner: Dominique Demby 

WakeMed Raleigh Campus: Patient Services Assistant 

Nominated by: Six WakeMed Neuro ICU Nurses

Congratulations, Dominque Demby, for being recognized as the May 2021 PETALS Award Recipient!

Below is an excerpt from the PETALS Award nomination written about you:

“Dom is an excellent transporter. She is always flexible and goes above and beyond helping us. She is always hard working and very compassionate with patients.”

“Dom brings so much joy to our unit. She has a great sense of humor and can always make a patient smile. She is incredibly hard working, and I’ve never heard her complain. We love working alongside of her.”

“Dom is always a pleasure to work with, and every transport goes smooth. Patients love her, and we are grateful she is a part of our team!”

“Dom is an excellent member of the WakeMed team! She epitomizes the WakeWay! She is always so patient and kind and does her job with a smile on her face. She makes our job as Neuro ICU nurses sooo much easier with her willingness to help.”

“Dom always greets us with a smile every time she comes to the unit. She will always lend a helping hand while in the CT room. We are all thankful for her hard work.”

“We truly feel Dom makes our lives as nurses easier, happier, and safer. I know with Dom as our transporter, the patient is the priority. Dom clearly embodies the WakeWay! Dom deserves the recognition of a PETALS Award!”   

Thank you, Dominique – “We are proud you are a member of the WakeMed team!"