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Mindfulness & Next Steps

Recovery after surviving a trauma can be hard, but you are not alone!

Recognizing when you need extra help is important in coping during recovery.

What about mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a way of thinking and focusing that can help you become more aware of your present experiences.

It has 2 key parts:

  • Paying attention to and being aware of the present moment.
  • Accepting or being willing to experience your thoughts and feelings without judging them.

Mindfulness & Trauma

Mindfulness can increase your ability to cope with difficult emotions, including those that come up after experiencing trauma. It is a continual process, and it can be learned with practice and finding techniques that work for you in your recovery. There are many ways to practice mindfulness.

Here are 2 techniques to try:

The “box” breath

  • Start by taking a normal breath.
  • Next, slowly inhale through your nose counting to 4.
  • At the top of your inhale (don’t exhale just yet!), pause and count to 4.
  • Now, slowly exhale through your mouth, again counting to 4.
  • Repeat.

Body scan

  • Lie or sit into a comfortable position.
  • Take a few deep breaths.
  • Focus in your mind your right hand and notice how it feels with no judgment. There is no right or wrong.
  • Next, try to picture tension or stress leaving the right hand.
  • Now, focus on your left hand and repeat 3-4.
  • Slowly and patiently continue throughout the body.

What is NextSteps?

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NextSteps is a self-management program that teaches you how to be more active and take control of your recovery. It uses techniques that are scientifically proven to increase selfconfidence and empowerment.

How can I participate?

The program takes place over 6 weeks with other trauma survivors and you participate in an online, virtual format.

What are some benefits of enrolling in NextSteps?

  • More personal power
  • Increased confidence
  • Better prepared to handle difficult situations
  • Improved health
  • Better quality of life

Some resources for you to explore:

Information adapted from VA.gov, Mayo Clinic, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA)