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Artificial Cervical Disc Implantation

Artificial Cervical Disc Implantation is available for patients with degenerative disc disease and is done in cases where only one disc needs to be replaced. While anterior cervical discectomy is the more common surgery, some patients may get more relief from an artificial implant. This surgery removes the damaged disc and restores disc height, reduces associated pain or weakness in the limbs and provides better neck and spine mobility.

To qualify for an artificial disc, patients must have undergone at least six months of therapy and conservative treatment, along with a history of good health. Patients who have osteoporosis, arthritis or other possible contraindicated conditions cannot receive an artificial disc. Patients who have had a prior spinal fusion in the same region are typically not candidates for the procedure.

Learn what to expect from surgery

The procedure is done using general anesthesia. The surgeon makes a tiny incision at the front of the neck, removes the damaged disc and replaces it with the stainless steel disc. The disc is attached using bone screws.

Most patients have a quick recovery after a one to two day hospital stay. Patients need to limit heavy lifting or bending for the first few weeks and may have to wear a neck brace to help with stability at first.