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We would love to meet you and show you around before your baby is born. Tours of the Women’s Pavilion & Birthplace — Cary are offered in the weekday evenings and on one Saturday per month.

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Cary Women's Pavilion & Birthplace Tour

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Sneak a peek inside our labor and delivery suites!

Virtual tour shot of pregnant woman and husband

Our New Labor & Delivery Suites - Now Open

We are excited about our new lighter, brighter and larger labor and delivery rooms.

In designing the rooms, physicians, staff and even former patients gave us feedback on what was needed to provide the safest and most comforting labor and delivery experience possible.

Our new labor and delivery rooms feature:

  • Space designed for mom’s care, baby’s care and the support person that is spacious, safe and comfortable
  • Updated tiled bathrooms with showers and a separate soaker tub
  • Unique design features that provide a calm, soothing environment for all

Scenes From Our Women's Pavilion

Labor and Delivery Hallway

A nurse midwife and nurse talk in the newly renovated labor and delivery unit hallway at Cary Hospital.

Labor and Delivery Hallway

Cary Hospital's labor and delivery rooms are large, beautifully decorated and designed to accomodate comfortable care for mom and baby.

Labor and Delivery Hallway

A focal point of the labor and delivery rooms at Cary Hospital are the large soaker tubs and tiled bathrooms.

Cary Tour Image 3The postpartum rooms at Cary Hospital are spacious and comfortable. Natural light flows into this Cary Hospital postpartum room as a new mom snuggles her baby.

Cary Tour Image 10A mother holds her baby in Cary Hospital's Level III Special Care Nursery.

Cary Tour Image 1A new mom leaves the hospital with her baby, escorted by one of our dedicated postpartum nurses.