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Connected Community

Social Service Organizations Benefits

These organizations are part of the network of behavioral health services throughout the community. Here are several benefits:

  • Social Service organizations that participate in the Connected Community receive confirmed referrals and patient SDOH and demographic information from network providers to manage inflow and resources.
  • Connected Community members have accelerated access to high-performance inpatient, outpatient and social service providers.
  • For the purposes of reporting and fundraising, Connected Community members are able to access organizational data on the health outcome impact of their services include volume of referrals, baseline needs and health outcomes and direct and indirect health impacts of provided services.
  • Connected Community members are able to interface as a network to SDOH funding mechanisms such as the Healthy Opportunities Pilot and may be able to participate in shared savings contracts.
  • Medical, Hospital and Clinical members agree to provide fundraising (grant participation and philanthropic) support to Connected Community members to increase the scale of available social services.
  • TBHC providers utilize NCCare360. The NCCare360 statewide network unites health care and human services organizations for a coordinated, community-oriented, person-centered approach for delivering care in North Carolina.



healing transitions logo

NC Med Assist

neurocare logo

volunteer caregiving logo

the green chair logo

StepUp Ministry

Additional Members

Casa NC

Foodbank Eastern NC

Food Shuttle

Haven House

Mr. Fred Foundation

Wake Meals on Wheels