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Intensive Care Units

WakeMed Heart & Vascular provides three intensive care units specifically designed to meet the individualized needs of patients requiring the highest level critical care for conditions affecting the heart, veins, lungs and (thoracic cavity) chest region.

WakeMed highly trained physicians and staff offer exceptional, specialized care across these intensive care units, all of which are supported by the WakeMed eICU Service.

Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit

Post-operative, compassionate care is the standard for patients who have undergone complex cardiothoracic surgeries, such as cardiac bypass surgery or other heart-related procedures. Our CTICU was one of the first in the region and has received national recognition for its commitment to excellence.

Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit

The cardiovascular intensive care unit specializes in the care of patients who have experienced ischemic heart disease as well as other acute heart disease. These patients are afforded the most compassionate care offered by our skilled team of intesivists, specialty physicians, nurses and other health professionals to treat complications, such as renal failure and respiratory failure.