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What are ganglion cysts?

A ganglion cyst is a sac-like swelling that forms on tissues called synovium that produce lubrication for the joints and tendons. They are the most common cysts of the hand and are usually due to trauma at the site. They can also be a precursor to or in association with arthritis.

Ganglion cysts are most common in people – primarily women – between ages 15 and 40. These younger patients often develop a ganglion cyst on their wrist. Women between the ages of 40 and 70 may develop a ganglion cyst at an end finger joint in association with arthritis.

Ganglion cysts can quickly appear, disappear and change size. They are typically harmless, but can cause pain, be unsightly and interfere with doing daily activities.

Treating ganglion cysts

Your doctor may recommend that you just wait and watch your ganglion cyst because it may disappear on its own. If it doesn’t and it is causing pain, numbness or tingling, an orthopaedic surgeon may recommend a wrist brace or splint to help relieve symptoms.

Aspiration – draining the cyst with a needle – may also help. However, aspiration does not remove the root of the ganglion cyst, which means the cyst can return. When necessary, the cyst can be surgically removed via an outpatient procedure and you can usually resume your normal activities in two to six weeks.

Dependable Orthopaedic Surgeons

Whether you’re concerned about a ganglion cyst, or are in search of other orthopaedic services, schedule an appointment with one of our orthopaedic specialists at one of our seven convenient locations throughout the Triangle.

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