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Arthritis of the Hand

Arthritis usually strikes one or more joints in individuals over age 50 and is the leading cause of disability in the United States. Arthritis can impact many areas of the body including the hand and wrists.

What is arthritis?

Arthritis occurs as your joints lose the cartilage that acts as a shock absorber. Without this cushioning, moving your joints becomes painful, and in an attempt to replace the padding, your body produces synovium, a fluid in the joint lining. Synovium production causes swelling, which restricts motion and leads to pain. The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

To diagnose arthritis in your hands, our orthopaedists will perform the “grind test” by adding weight to your hand and moving it around. Arthritis exists where you experience pain.

X-rays can also identify areas of inflammation. Your orthopaedist could also recommend a bone scan if you’re experiencing pain but have normal X-rays.



What are the symptoms, and how is it treated?

The most common symptom associated with arthritis is pain that usually increases with joint use, such as opening jars or starting a car. Other symptoms include swelling, warmth to the touch, grinding in the joints and small cysts that appear on the fingers.

Our orthopaedists often recommend non-surgical treatments first to address arthritis pain, including anti-inflammatory medications, splinting and injections. If these strategies fail, surgery is an option, including joint fusions – where the joints no longer move – and joint replacements. Discuss your condition with your physician to determine which procedure might be appropriate for your needs.

Dependable Orthopaedic Surgeons 

Whether you’re concerned about arthritis, or are in search of other orthopaedic services, schedule an appointment with one of our orthopaedic specialists at one of our seven convenient locations throughout the Triangle.