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Helpful Resources

Searching the Web for health care quality information can be tedious and frustrating.  Here are some helpful resources to get you started in the right direction.  In addition to the information we have provided on our Web site, you will find more information about quality and patient safety at the links below. 

NCNC Hospital Quality Center

The North Carolina Hospital Association (NCHANCHA) created the North Carolina Center for Hospital Quality and Patient Safety (NCNC Quality Center) in 2004 to lead NCNC hospitals to become the safest and highest quality hospitals in the United States.  On this site, you will find patient safety resources for patients and families in North Carolina.

NCNC Hospital Quality Performance Report 

Developed by the NCNC Quality Center, this site is dedicated to providing comparable data from hospitals across North Carolina on subjects such as heart attacks, heart failure, pneumonia and surgical care.  The data originates from the CMSCMS Hospital Compare web site.

CMSCMS Hospital Compare

Created through the efforts of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMSCMS) and other members of the Hospital Quality Alliance (HQAHQA), CMSCMS Hospital Compare is a tool for finding information on how well hospitals care for patients with certain medical conditions or surgical procedures.  You will also find patient survey results of quality care received during hospital stays.  All hospitals that received Medicare and Medicaid funding are required to submit quality information to the site for the public.

AHRQAHRQ Patient Safety Network

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality site is a resource with up-to-date news and information on patient safety. Here you will find detailed patient safety articles and tools to help the inquisitive consumer and professional learn more about this important side of health care.

National Patient Safety Foundation

The National Patient Safety Foundation is an independent not-for-profit organization that has meticulously sought to improve the safety of patients since its founding in 1997.  On this site, you will find tips for patients and families to ensure a safe experience during a hospital stay and much more. 

National Patient Safety Goals

The Joint Commission's National Patient Safety Goals help accredited organizations, like WakeMed, identify and improve on specific aspects of patient safety recognized as areas of concern for all health care organizations by an expert panel made up of patient safety experts, nurses, physicians, pharmacists, risk managers, and other health care professionals.  On this site, you will find this year's National Patient Safety Goals listed by category.