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Coping After Surviving a Trauma

Building resilience will look different for everyone — what works for one may not work for others.

Coping is a long-term process where you and your loved ones will relearn how to navigate life and, ideally, accept new circumstances. It can be frustrating because it entails trying strategies to see what works and doesn’t work.

Adjustment comes in stages and factors that affect how long it takes can depend on the type of injury, personality style/preferences and level of support.

Knowing what to expect can help ease the transition. Common situations include:

  • Personal uncertainties
  • Family relationships
  • Work disruptions
  • Financial worries

Healthy Coping Skills

  • Learn about your injury.
  • Find an outlet for your stress.
  • Practice self-care for the different dimensions that affect you: physical (yoga, exercise, walking, psychological (meditation, deep breathing), emotional, spiritual.

Unhealthy Coping Skills

  • Drinking too much
  • Using drugs
  • Avoiding others
  • Lashing out
  • Not asking for help

Some resources for you to explore: