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WakeMed Physician Practice Surgery Policy and Guidelines

WakeMed Physician Practice Surgery Policy and Guidelines

WakeMed Health & Hospitals make up the triangle region’s busiest trauma system. Our flagship hospital in Raleigh, NC is an American College of Surgeons verified Level I trauma center. Together with our state verified Level 3 trauma center in Cary, NC we serve more than 5,000 trauma patients each year. Our team is committed to providing the highest level of trauma care to our community. This commitment is reflected in our regularly updated, evidence-based collection of guidelines and policies found on this website.

How to add WPP Surgery Policy and Guidelines to your phone (i.e. as an app):


  1. Type http://www.wakemed.org/spg into your web browser
  2. Click on the "share" button in the bottom tool bar (it looks like a square with an arrow pointing up)
  3. Choose “add to home screen” then “add”


  1. Type http://www.wakemed.org/spg into your web browser
  2. Click on the menu icon (3 dots in upper right-hand corner)
  3. Choose “add to home screen”