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How It Started

I began smoking in 1972 at the age of 16 — as I was a rebellious teenager who fell into peer pressure.

I went into the military straight out of high school. It fueled the habit because while serving my country, I saw atrocities that no person should see. Smoking helped me cope.

I then kept it up for 51 years.

Tries and Failures

I tried to quit for 30 years off and on, and the biggest problem was the recommendations for use of smoking cessation aids only went up to six weeks. That wasn’t enough time for me to break the habit.

Moving ahead, I had an amputation scheduled in 2022, and I quit for a little while to prepare for the amputation. Soon after, I had a heart attack, and, at that point, I realized I had to quit for good.

A Search for Quit With WakeMed

With all the willpower I could muster, I launched on a campaign to quit. In December 2022, I went on the WakeMed MyChart site and found Quit With WakeMed. I decided to go ahead and give it a try. I saw the options for providers, and I selected Jessica Revels, RN, FNP, because she looked like someone I could talk to.

Out the gate, I wanted her to be successful, so I explained my background in the military and work with addicts. I knew the ideas she would bring up to help me stop because of my work, so I knew the excuses. I wanted her to know this, so she’d know who she was dealing with and would hold me accountable.

Revels informed me that I could use smoking cessation aids as long as needed. My treatment involved a combination of patches, good information, a positive outlook and great support.

Revels was very personable, knowledgeable and supportive, and I enjoyed frequent calls with her for four months until mid-April 2023. In that time, I learned to exercise self-control, and my recovery went quickly. I smoked my last cigarette in March 2023, and I have not smoked a cigarette in nine months. And, should I need Revels, the door is still open to call for support.

A New Lease on Life

Thankfully, I’m doing well. I still desire to smoke, but I resist it.

I would encourage others to try Quit With WakeMed. Once you take that first step, the ones that follow get easier and easier. I continue my mentorship work with the court system, and because I quit, I feel more empowered to help people break their addictions.

About Quit With WakeMed — Tobacco Cessation Program

Quit With WakeMed is a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary program designed to help you quit tobacco for good. Our team will provide you with the tools, therapies and support you need to be successful. Our approach has been proven to be approximately 10 times more effective than quitting on your own.

Our Services:

  • Virtual appointments for your convenience
  • Thorough assessment and discussion of goals
  • Personalized treatment plans
  • Prescription medications (as needed)
  • Individual or group behavioral therapies
  • Ongoing follow-up

About WakeMed Primary Care

WakeMed Physician Practices features board-certified primary care, internal medicine and family medicine physicians conveniently located throughout the Triangle.

Our exceptional, compassionate providers and care teams pride themselves on developing long-term relationships with our patients and families.

We look forward to caring for you and your family and to being your family’s medical home. Call or schedule online for an in-person or virtual visit with one of our primary care providers.

Quit with WakeMed

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