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Endometrial Polyps

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Endometrial polyps are growths that form in the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) that can protruded into the uterine cavity. They can range in size from a few millimeters to golf ball sized and larger. 

They are attached to the wall of the uterus. Women can have one or multiple polyps. They most often occur in women who are pre-menopausal or who have recently completed menopause.

Common Symptoms of Endometrial Polyps Include

  • Irregular or frequent menstrual bleeding, often with heavy flow
  • Bleeding between menstrual periods
  • Sporadic bleeding after menopause
  • Infertility

While the majority of polyps are not cancerous, they can cause abnormal bleeding. Their presence can be diagnosed through ultrasound (saline hysterosonography), x-ray (hysterography), or hysteroscopy. Polyps can be cause of infertility, but they can be removed easily using hysteroscopic surgery.

Removal of Endometrial Polyps

Many times, women opt to have the polyps removed due to the abnormal bleeding. These polyps can be removed through hysteroscopic (through vagina) procedure. During hysteroscopy, instruments are inserted through a lighted hysteroscope, making it possible to identify and completely remove polyps directly from the endometrial lining.

Some inert gas or saline is inserted into the uterus via the hysteroscope to expand it and clear away any blood or mucous that may be present and to enhance visualization. Often, to ensure that the polyps are benign, they are normally sent to the pathology lab for microscopic examination.

In general, this procedure is done on an outpatient basis. Recovery is quick with most women feeling back to normal within a few days.

Learn What to Expect from Endometrial Polyp Removal