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What is Travel Medicine?
Travel medicine is the aspect of medicine that deals with both the prevention of illness, disease or injury and the management of health problems associated with travel, particularly internationally. Traveling outside of our normal work/life environment can bring unique health considerations, whether you are traveling down the road, across the country or overseas. Our team of providers can help patients prepare for travel and manage health problems that may occur during travel.

Travel Medicine - Preparing for Your Trip
Our physicians recommend preparing for travel by learning about possible health risks and travel vaccinations and preparing for potential injury. For example, if you are traveling to a third-world country, you should research the drinking water and consider getting a prescription for preventive medicine to combat traveler's diarrhea. If you are going on a skiing vacation, you may want to consider the potential for sports injuries by researching the nearest hospital or healthcare provider and/or bringing bandages, ice packs, etc. All travelers should consider the need for any prescription refills or over-the-counter medications or supplies before leaving for their trip.

We encourage you to schedule an appointment before any major travel so we can work together to identify any medical needs, travel vaccinations or considerations prior to your departure.

Travel Medicine Considerations

  • Insects: The insects in many foreign countries carry diseases such as malaria. Talk with your physician about whether you may need malaria prophylaxis.
  • Food and Drink: Regardless of where you travel, the food and drink may be different from what you are used to. Drinking water is unsafe in many areas, so it's important to consider bringing medication for traveler's diarrhea with you. Our providers can make the appropriate recommendations and provide a prescription for these medications as needed.
  • Injury Prevention: Just as illness can strike, many travel and vacation experiences result in injury. Preparing for potential injuries and knowing about your healthcare options prior to departure can be very helpful.
  • Insurance and Access to Health Care: Talk to your physician about your access to health care while traveling. Depending on where you are headed, you may want to consult with your insurance provider before leaving town so you understand how your coverage works wherever you are headed.